The Succedent Places

Finally, we come to the succedent places. These are the places that rise from the darkness of the cadent places toward the places of power and light, the Angles. The succedent places are therefore places of hope and general well-being. But, like the cadent places, there is some variability to the succedent places.

Starting at the Ascendant (AS) and moving in a clockwise direction (the direction of the diurnal motion of the planets and stars), we dip into the cadent 12th place, and continuing through the darkness there, we rise up toward the light and into the 11th place. Except for the Angles themselves, the 11th place is the most favorable of all the places. The 11th place is a place of hope and optimism; it is such because it rises with anticipation toward the highest point in the chart and heavens (the MC). It rises as we might when we strive toward a bright cherished thing that appears before us distant, yet destined. Planets in the 11th place are considered fortunate (especially Jupiter), and the places that they rule become significant.


Continuing clockwise through the 11th and 10th places, we descend into the 9th place and start another ascension. This ascension is the 8th place. The 8th place is the least favorable of the succedent places because it is averted to the AS; that is, it does not connect to the AS by one of the classic Ptolemic angles (sextile, trine, opposition).


Among its many significations, the 8th place owns one of the most ominous in the whole of the heaves. It is known as the place of death. This much to do with its averted position, but while the aversion of the 8th place gives it that inactive cadent feel, it is a succendent place, so it is active. Planets placed here still have the ability to strive and realize their potential.

From the 7th place and through the cadent 6th place, we strive upward to the succendent 5th place. The 5th place is second only to the 11th place as the most favorable of the non-angular places.


The 5th place holds the signification for some of mankind’s most cherished things, particularly those related to the physical/bodily matters, such as children and childbirth. Planets placed here are considered fortunate (especially Venus), and the places they rule become significant.

Finally, continuing clockwise past the lowest point in the chart (the IC) and through the cadent 3rd place, we come to the succedent 2nd place. Of the succedent places, only the 8th place is considered more unfavorable. The 2nd and the 8th places share the same axis, and as with with the 8th place, the 2nd place is averted to the AS. This is the place of sustenance and support for the native, including such things as personal belongings. As with the 8th place, there is a cadent feel to the 2nd place. The averted position of the 2nd place informs us that we are not in full control of the things signified here; although the 2nd is a succendent place, planets associated with the it are active and can achieve their potential.


Angularity of the places is fundamental to understanding and using astrology. Review the planets and the signs in your natal chart to get a sense of the potential that exists for you, noting that both favorable and unfavorable places can be counteracted or enhanced by other factors. Additionally, it is important to understand that not everything in your chart is active at the same time. The use of time lord techniques can allow you to identify when certain placements become active for you. With this knowledge you can incorporate astrology into your life and understand and use it for yourself.